Dalam bidang perminyakan, kita akan mengenal tentang Teknik Produksi. Dulu basic saya sewaktu masih SMK/STM adalah Teknik Perminyakan progam studi Produksi Migas . Saya adalah alumni SMK Migas Cepu, dimana SMK ini pernah menjadi SMK pertama yang ada di Indonesia yang mempunyai jurusan Perminyakan dalam progam studinya. 
SMK Migas mempunyai jurusan Perminyakan dengan 3 program studi yaitu Teknik Produksi Migas , Teknik Pemboran dan Teknik Pengolahan Migas & Petrokimia. 
Saya akan coba share apa itu Teknik Produksi?  di bawah ini adalah daftar resume kompetensi Pelajaran untuk Teknik Produksi di SMK Migas Cepu, dengan mengetahui ini anda bisa mendapatkan gambaran seperti apa Teknik Produksi

The List Of Materials Productive Learning At Migas Vocational School Cepu
The Competency of Learning

1.   Understanding of the geology of oil and gas
1.1    Describe the relationship between geology and petroleum
1.2    Describes the types of oil and gas geology
1.3    Describe the geological structure
2.   Identifying reservoir fluids
2.1    Describe the fluid reservoir identify oil and gas
2.2    Describe the physical properties of the fluid in the reservoir
2.3    Describe the relationship between the pressure reservoir with the production of hydrocarbons
2.4    Describe the relationship between temperature reservoir with the production of hydrocarbons.
3.   Understanding the concept of fluid flow in the reservoir and the pipe
3.1    Describe the concept of pore-fluid flow in rocks
3.2    Describe possible barriers to the flow of fluid in the reservoir
3.3    Describe the concept of fluid flow in pipes
3.4    Describe the barriers to fluid flow in pipes.
4.   Understanding the concept of unity between the reservoir and the fluid reservoir
4.1    Identify reservoir rocks
4.2    Describe the physical properties of reservoir rocks
4.3    Explain the reservoir rock sampling (core)
4.4    Describe the relationship between the oil reservoir to the production of hydrocarbons
4.5    Describe the type and nature of the driving force that affects the production of petroleum.
5.   Calculate oil and gas reserves
5.1    Describe methods of assessment of oil and gas reserves in the reservoir
5.2    Calculating the volumetric reserves estimates.
6.   Perform the test wells (well testing)
6.1    Describe the concept of well test
6.2    Calculating the ability of wells to produce oil
6.3    Identify the capabilities of the well.
7.   Understanding the oil removal system
7.1    Describe the natural removal system
7.2    Describe the artificial lift system.
8.   Applying the workings of natural spat wells
8.1    Describe how the wells of natural spat / flowing
8.2    Calculating the well production capacity of natural spat
8.3    Operating the wells of natural spat.
9.   Understanding the well-made blast gaslift
9.1    Describe how the well-made spray gaslift
9.2    Calculating the capacity of the well-made spray gaslift
9.3    Describe the valve wells gaslift (gaslift valve).
10.  Calculate the capacity of the well-made blast ESP (Electric Sub-mersible Pump)
10.1    Describe how the ESP wells
10.2    Calculating a production capacity of ESP wells.
11.  Operates a well-made pump spray nod (Sucker Rod Pump)
11.1    Describe how the sucker rod pump wells
11.2    Calculating the capacity of the well sucker rod pump
11.3    Draw a sucker rod pump well construction
11.4    Describe below the surface of the pump
11.5    Describe the pump on the surface
11.6    Operating the pump head.
12.  Describe the production surface facilities
12.1    Describe the system of separation of oil, water and gas
12.2    Describe the equipment at the central collecting station (SPP)
12.3    Describe the surface of the pipeline system
12.4    Describe the function of separator equipment
12.5    Describe the function of holding tank equipment
12.6    Describe the function of the natural gas process equipment.
13.  Describe the measurement equipment on oil and gas production
13.1    Describe the usefulness of measuring element
13.2    Describe the process of measurement
13.3    Describe the unit of measurement system
13.4    Identify the measurement of pressure, temperature, fluid height, fluid flow, gas flow, liquid density, gas density and water content in oil and gas production.
14.  Operate the production equipment below the surface (sub-surface equipment)
14.1    Describe wireline equipment for the operation of production equipment below the surface
14.2    Describe the subsurface equipment such as landing nipple, locking Mandrell (removable locking devices), packer, production control, polished nipple, coupling flow and blast joint
14.3    Operating the equipment below the surface (sub-surface equipment).
15.  Implementing production control problem
15.1    Detecting the type of production problem
15.2    Selecting a method to solve problems of production
15.3    Tackling the problems of production.
16.  Caring for the well
16.1    Describe the concept of decline in production
16.2    Describe the reworking principle of the well
16.3    Describe the concept of well stimulation
16.4    Implement a method to stimulate the well.

Dibawah ini adalah potongan kutipan salah satu artikel tentang Pengertian Teknik Produksi , atau kalian bisa cek disini !
"Fokus dalam Ilmu Perminyakan dapat dibagi menjadi tiga keahlian, diantaranya adalah Teknik Reservoir, Teknik Pemboran, dan Teknik Produksi. Disini, akan dibahas sedikit dan pengantar, apa yang dimaksud dengan Teknik Produksi.

Teknik Produksi merupakan bagian dari bidang keahlian Teknik Perminyakan. Teknik Produksi mempelajari tentang cara-cara mengeluarkan fluida dari reservoir ke permukaan. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memproduksikan sumur adalah besarnya laju produksi (q), yang akan diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode produksi tertentu dan merupakan laju produksi yang optimum. Secara keseluruhan, yang mendasari Teknik Produksi terdapat dua hal pokok, yaitu" :
  • Aliran fluida dari formasi ke dasar sumur (melalui media berpori)
  • Aliran fluida dari dasar sumur ke permukaan (melalui media pipa) 

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